About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Katrina and I’m an amateur home baker that loves to bake.

I want to improve my baking skills and expand my knowledge, so I decided to start a YouTube channel and a blog simultaneously to document my journey.

When I was a kid, my mom took a fancy baking class. She had all these tools and made pretty cakes and I was hooked ever since! I told myself that one day, I’d have my own set of tools and bake beautiful things too.

To me, baking is very much a science and with my analytical background, I love to measure out all my ingredients on a scale and get lots of practice to perfect my baked goods. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth (consequences of eating too much candy as a child and having too many cavities) but I love to bake for other people. The joy in having a friend’s face light up when they take the first bite…that’s gold. I also love the transformation of taking ingredients and making them into a beautiful, delicious, finished product.

I will be baking my way through some of my favorite bakers’ recipes. I’ll share my successes, my failures, and lessons learned. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy the ride!